Yesterday we had our final meeting of the spring! For our program, Cultural Leader Hannah Lindgren conducted a live interview with longtime SVEA 253 member Annette Johansson about her life, career and connections to Sweden. (In the style of David Letterman's show "My Next Guest Needs No Introduction.") Annette has had a long, beautiful life filled with travel and family, a career of singing, teaching and researching, and strong connections to Sweden.
The conversation was also recorded on video and it will be archived at the VASA archives in Bishop Hill, IL. You can watch the full conversation below! Please note we had some issues with the video files, so most of the video is audio-only content with photos.
We also had a business meeting and inducted a new member - welcome, Jeff! We finished up with a delicious Fika.

Our next gathering will be Midsommar on Sunday, June 25 at 2pm at the Latvian Community Center. Stay tuned for more information about how to RSVP!