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Vikings in Spain?!

Hannah Lindgren

We had a great gathering March gathering! First, we had a busy business meeting covering all of the amazing things happening in the lodge. We also draped the charter for member Charles Henrickson, who passed last year. We then had a super interesting presentation from member Juan Lago about his home of Galicia, Spain, and its ties to Celtic and Viking culture. Everyone loved it! A delicious fika followed.

Our children's club, SVEA Skolan, also met yesterday and we had 14 kids and 9 parents attend! The kids had conversations asking with their names are in Swedish, as well as learning the days of the week and "how are you?" We also rehearsed the songs and dances for our Midsommar celebration (June 22).

Our next meeting will be on April 6 at 2:30pm (SVEA Skolan 1:30pm) with no business meeting, and a cultural program from Brenda Myers about funny Swedish tourism advertising! Join us!



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